East on Central Association Board
Board Members:
Candice Glicken, President
Marjorie Rissman, Treasurer
Amy Shimoni, Secretary
Kate Hutchinson, Editor-In-Chief
Julie Isaacson
Kathryn Haydon
Judith MK Kaufman
Margoth Moreno
Howard Schultz
Mary Beth Bretzlauf
Veronica Clements
Sherry Flores
Presidents Emeritus:
Mary Jane Gabrielsen
Sumner Garte
Judith MK Kaufman
Board Members Emeritus:
Judith Bernstein
Sam Bernstein
Cheryl “Sholo” Beverly
Michele Feinberg
Howard Golden
Georgann Humphrey
Emma Kowalenko
Larry Rockoff
Cheryl Steiger
Sandra Strauss
Lynn West
Rita Yager
The Birth of a Journal, a tribute to the founding members of East on Central.
Sumner Garte, President
Judith MK Kaufman, Editor-in-Chief
Judith Bernstein, Corresponding Secretary
Sam Bernstein, Treasurer
Emma Kowalenko, Program Chair
Sandra Strauss, Recording Secretary
Georgann Humphrey, Graphic Designer
It was at the turn of the 21st century. A small group of friends – there were four of us – began to meet for the purpose of sharing
what was for some of us a new interest: writing creatively. I never thought of myself as a writer, but one day I started to write and,
unexpectedly, what appeared on the page was a poem. I was at a loss to understand where it came from, but I decided to pursue
this new inspiration. The other three members of our group: Judith Bernstein, Emma Kowalenko, and Sandra Strauss, had been
writing for longer than I, but at the suggestion of a mutual friend – visual artist, Sumner Garte – we formed our group and shared our
work, always appreciating each other’s input and support. After some time, we began to discuss the possibility of publishing a journal
that would highlight the writing and visual art created in our community. We invited Sumner to join us for a discussion, and at that
meeting he suggested that we encourage writers and visual artists to use each other’s work for inspiration, allowing us to pair such
mutual pieces. At the time, I don’t think any of us knew that there was a word for this process: ekphrasis,
We called it Mutual Inspiration.
At the meeting Judith Bernstein mentioned a friend who was a much-needed graphic designer, so Georgann Humphrey was invited
to join the project. Judith’s husband, Sam Bernstein, agreed to be our treasurer. The City of Highland Park was filled with creative
residents, as reflected in the many opportunities to pursue the arts that the city offers: The Art Center, Ravinia (our outdoor entertainment
park), a string ensemble, Midwest Young Artists, and a small theatre company, to name a few. We learned that Highland Park
offered grants to artistic organizations, so we applied for and received a grant from the City. Our decision to reach out for the
work of disabled members of the community, and the fact that all of our founders agreed to work pro bono, allowed us to qualify for
not-for-profit status. Together with donations from local supporters, the grant enabled us to publish, in 2002, the very first
edition of East on Central.
On the cover of the premier edition is a pencil drawing of a bespectacled person with what appears to be either a pen or a
paintbrush in hand. The title of the piece is “Artist Concentrating,” by Carole Pearlman. I’ve always enjoyed that cover art, because it
represented the concept of what we have referred to as “mutual inspiration.” Depending on the individual’s point of view, the
pictured artist can represent both visual artists and writers. From that first edition, 70 pages printed in all-black-and-white, to our
most recent annual, Volume 24, 212 pages printed in full color, we are so proud that our work has produced a much-lauded journal
with a high quality of visual art, poetry and prose.
An interesting piece of trivia: how did we choose the name of our journal? Our own Judith Bernstein was a member of the board of
the Highland Park Historical Society, where she learned that in the early history of the town, Central Avenue ran in just one direction:
Judith MK Kaufman
East On Central Association
P.O. Box 181
Highland Park, IL 60035

A great big “Thank You” to Highland Park Community Foundation
for supporting East on Central and the arts in Highland Park!

Right now is a great time to join us at East on Central, an established, award-winning organization in Highland Park that's been successfully publishing a high quality literary and visual arts journal for 20 years.
Maybe you're a student looking to get experience with publishing. Or perhaps you're a Highland Park resident who wants to meet new people and get involved in the community. Or maybe you're a social media/online communications enthusiast who wants to grow our presence. Even if you just want to get out and distribute flyers, we welcome your contribution! There's something for everyone---at every level of interest and at every kind of time commitment available.
We offer you the opportunity to join our team to
Share your knowledge and expertise with us
Learn from our team’s 20 years of successful publishing
Take advantage of our creative network and inspiration
Enjoy our positive and supportive atmosphere
Areas of volunteer opportunities include
People-centered outreach to existing and potential journal contributors
Communications, via traditional and electronic media
Planning, staffing, and promotion of our innovative community programs
Technical support in document management and production
And more--we're open to suggestions, if you have ideas or expertise you think would be of benefit to us!
We are proud to be an Illinois Arts Council recipient!