A Journal of Arts and Letters from Highland Park, IL

The Ides of March brought great joy and inspiration to the Highland Park Public Library. East on Central presented 16 local authors honoring their books for sale to patrons, and selected readings. A new feature included poets creating customized Insta-poems while readers shopped the book tables. On behalf of

Beth Keller and the library, a raffle encouraged visitors to meet with each author to be eligible for a gift certificate to Secret World Books. Mike Pickard read from his new book and authors enjoyed engaging in conversation with like-minded writers. 

Thank you to all who attended and supported our local authors! 
Board of East on Central

East on Central
Volume 23


East on Central, Volume 23 (2024-2025)


Photo by Pixabay

Contributing Visual Artists

Iris Allen * Kenn Ashley * Marcia Babler * Mary Barnes-Gingrich * Ivan Berk * Shelly Berk * Sara Monoson Berns * Sr. Lutgardis Bonitz * Jan Burke * Kathryn Butzlaff * Stephen Butzlaff * Benjamin Calvert III * Emily Thornton Calvo * Monica Cardestam * Jane Feely * Laurel Feldman * Mark James Fisher * Jonathan Friedman * Sumner Garte * Steve Geer * Candice Glicken * Merrilee Hepler * Marilyn Hollander * Susan Holtz * Beth Jack * Judith Joseph * Bonnie Katz * Edward Kaufman * Emma Alexandra Kowalenko * Joan Ladendorf * Robert Laemle * R. Scott McNeill * Suzanne Metzel * Sarah DeYoung Metzger * Ruti Modlin * Margoth K Moreno * Andrea Moss * Rene Parks * Diana Pasikov * Naomi Pollack * Larry Rockoff * Howard Schultz * Jan Keller Schultz * Mary K. Seyfarth * Maya Shimoni * Marla Silverman * Regina Siske * Pam Speigel * Cheryl L. Steiger * Kay Thomas * Venu Tummalapalli * Ellen Van Vechten * Lynn West


Photo by Pixabay


Contributing Writers

Andrew Acker * Nancy Anderson * Lois Baer Barr * Mary Beth Bretzlauf * Emily Thornton Calvo * Joseph Kuhn Carey * William T. Carey * Patricia Carney * Esteban Colon * Margaret Cramer * Jennifer Dotson * Sheila Elliott * Karen L. Erickson * Michele Feinberg * Lynn Fitzgerald * Maureen Tolman Flannery * Gerald Frank * Larry Frank * Judith Stern Friedman * Sumner Garte * Steve Geer * Nancy Hepner Goodman * Cynthia Hahn * James Hall * Mark G. Hammerschick * Janea D. Harris * Kathryn P. Haydon * Linda Hendelman * Laura Joyce Hubbard * Kate Hutchinson * Julie Isaacson * Beth Jack * Caroline Johnson * Emory D. Jones * Judith MK Kaufman * Miriam Kohn * Emma Alexandra Kowalenko * Kerry Leaf * Gari Light * Angela Lombardo * Terry Loncaric * Mike Lubow * Douglas Macdonald * Wilda Morris * Susan T. Moss * Rebecca Mueller * Lakshmy Nair * Rachel Orzoff * Tracie Amirante Padal * Maureen Perkins * Liz Peterson * Marilee Pritchard * Marjorie Rissman * Heather Sager * Ellen Savage * Lynn Shapiro * Amy Shimoni * Marjorie Skelly * Marie Thourson * Henry Torres * Linda Wallin * Austin Warshawsky * Jim Wilkerson * Michael Wright * Rita Yager

A Quick Look at Volume 23!

Credits: Top Left: Neon Lights by Laurel Feldman; Top Right: Light from Light by Sr. Lutgardis Bonitz; Second Row Center: Barrio by Jan Keller Schultz; Bottom Left: Buzzworthy by Merrilee Hepler; Bottom Right: Floral Peaks by Maya Shimoni


Accolades for East On Central:

“I was highly impressed with my first time seeing the journal this autumn—astonished at the high quality of the graphics, paper, artwork and editing. Aside from its content, Volume 22 is a masterpiece in itself. The placement of the graphic content—the photos and artwork—is brilliantly and thoughtfully done. All your time and care has produced a stunningly impressive totality.”

Doug Macdonald

“Love that we are garnering attention from writers and artists beyond our Highland Park community! 

Thanks so much for all your efforts and for producing such a beautiful documentary of people's thoughts and perspectives as this world continues to evolve. I look forward to the next edition…”

Judith Stern Friedman

“East on Central is terrific!  Congratulations and may you go from strength to strength.”

Lois Barr


Where to Purchase

East on Central is available for purchase through our online store.

Copies are also available for purchase at Sunset Foods
in Highland Park and The Art Center of Highland Park.

Two new locations!

mil Colibris
481 Roger Williams
Highland Park

Secret World Books
1774 Second Street
Highland Park

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